Ballot Voting System

This is a standalone voting system to conduct elections. The UML diagram for the Database structure can be found on the Github. It is very easy to use and interactive. It contains both CLI interface and Tkinter frontend.

Tags: Python, Github, matplotlib, MySQL, Database

Books Scraper

This Scrapy spider tackles "", a website built for learning web scraping. It dives into the website and extracts information about the books. Imagine a tiny robot following links, grabbing details like titles and prices, and neatly storing them. This spider can be a handy tool to explore web scraping basics and data extraction from a simple website.

Tags: Python, MySQL, Database, Scrapy, Web Scrapping

Climate App

Flutter App to check live weather updates from

Tags: Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile App, API, Github, DArt

Dice App

This a Dice App that I made using Flutter to simulate a Dice.

Tags: Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile App, Github, DArt

Dynamic Data Scrapper

This Python script scrapes project data from the HP RERA Public Dashboard and saves the data to a CSV file.

Tags: Python, Web Scrapping, Selenium

Email Sender

This Python application provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) for sending emails using the Tkinter library for the frontend and the smtplib library for handling email operations. The application allows users to input their email credentials, recipient's email address, email subject, and the email body. It also includes functionality for resetting the input fields and sending emails.

Tags: Python, Tkinter, Github

Fire Chat

A chatting app created using the Flutter Framework and Firebase for authentication and backend. Cloud Firestore is used to store the messages with timestamps.

Tags: Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile App, Github, Firebase, Cloud Firestore

Hand Tracker

I'm learning more about computer vision through this project. This is a basic Hand tracker module.

Tags: Python, Computer Vision, Mediapipe, OpenCV, Github

I am Poor

Basic Flutter App

Tags: Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile App, Github, DArt

Music Player

This is a simple music player application built using Python and the Tkinter GUI toolkit. The program allows users to play, pause, stop, skip forward, and go backward through a playlist of music tracks. It also features volume control and a progress bar to display the elapsed time of the currently playing song.

Tags: Python, Pygame, Tkinter, Github

Portfolio Website

A Portfolio website to display a list of all of my Projects. It is created using Django and uses the default SQLlite databse. The website is Deployed on vercel :-

Tags: Python, Github, Database, Web, Django

Python Chatbot

This script provides a simple chatbot interface using the LangChain library and Ollama's Llama3.1 model. It facilitates a conversation with the user, maintaining context throughout the interaction. Features: Interactive chat with the Llama3.1 language model. Maintains conversation context for coherent responses. Allows users to exit the chat with keywords like "exit," "bye," or "quit."

Tags: Python, Langchain, Ollama, LLM


A Quiz App made using Flutter with a lot of hardcoded Questions and answers.

Tags: Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile App, Github, DArt

Text Editor

This is a simple text editor built using Tkinter in Python with all the basic text editing features. The text editor supports common keyboard shortcuts for text editing operations. The status bar provides information about the current state or operation. The text editor is configured to work with Text files, HTML files, and Python files. Features: New File: Create a new empty file. Open File: Open an existing text file. Save File: Save the current file. Save As: Save the current file with a new name. Cut, Copy, Paste: Perform standard text editing operations. Undo, Redo: Undo or redo the last text editing action. Text Formatting: Bold and italicize selected text. Text Color: Change the color of the selected text. Background Color: Change the background color of the text editor. Status Bar: Provides information about the current status or operation.

Tags: Python, Tkinter, Github

Xylophone App

A Xylophone App with 7 buttons for different sounds.

Tags: Flutter, Android, iOS, Mobile App, Github, DArt